Retired Employees of San Diego County, Inc.
Honoring Yesterday. Protecting Tomorrow.

Don't Get Caught in a Tax Scam

SDCCU shares information on how to avoid scams.

Tax season is a popular time for scammers to fool victims into providing personal information. Con artists have successfully duped thousands of people into losing millions of dollars through tax-related scams! The IRS has shared a list of common scams that occur this time of year to help prevent taxpayers from falling victim.

Here are a few common scams to watch out for:

IRS Telephone Scams: These phone scams involve fraudsters posing as IRS agents. They inform the victim that they owe money and will request payment via gift card or wire transfer. Scammers will then threaten the victim with arrest, suspension of a driver's license or deportation if they do not comply. The IRS will never call to demand initial payment using a gift card or wire transfer.

Phishing: Phishing scams increase during tax season, as many crooks will send emails or text messages acting as the IRS, tax software companies or tax preparers. These messages will request data like your tax filing status, refund information or additional personal information. If you do not recognize the email address or phone number, do not reply to the message or click on any attachments.

Tax Refund Scams: Refund scams are commonly done by mail, as swindlers will send letters with IRS letterhead seeking sensitive information "in relation to an unclaimed refund." The scammers will request information like routing numbers, photos of your driver's license or Social Security number and will include a phone number for you to call to provide said information. If you are unsure if a letter you receive is a scam, contact the IRS.

Scammers have perfected their craft to make their scams seem legitimate. If you are questioning a message you received, contact the IRS directly at (800) 829-1040. Learn more about how to protect your personal information and additional resources to guard against fraud by visiting

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