Retired Employees of San Diego County, Inc.
Honoring Yesterday. Protecting Tomorrow.

Community Resources

Here are some great community resources to help out during the COVID-19 pandemic... 

CalFresh is California's food stamps (SNAP) program. Apply to get up to $194 a month per household member on an EBT card.


FACT SD - Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation

In order to assist with the Covid-19 crisis, FACT is offering free transportation for San Diego County residents for any essential need until the stay at home order is lifted.

Seniors, persons with disabilities, students, veterans, medical workers and other residents who need assistance, may call FACT at 888-924-3228 between 8am and 3pm, Monday-Friday, to request free transportation anywhere in San Diego County. Drivers and riders are required to wear a face covering while being transported.


Qualified older adults in the region can now sign up to get three free and healthy meals a day delivered to their home for a limited time through the “Great Plates Delivered” program, the County Health and Human Services Agency announced.


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8825 Aero Drive, Suite 205, San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 688-9229 • Toll-Free (866) 688-9229 •