Retired Employees of San Diego County, Inc.
Honoring Yesterday. Protecting Tomorrow.

Restorative Justice Mediation Program

Seeking Volunteers to Facilitate Victim-Offender Dialogue

The Restorative Justice Mediation Program (RJMP) is a community-based, non-profit organization that helps to address the effects of crime in ways not met by the traditional justice system. RJMP does this through face-to-face meetings between crime victims and offenders, assisting them in developing written agreements to repair harms as much as possible. This occurs by participation in the Victim Offender Dialogue program.

Victim Offender Dialogue (VOD) is a process that engages the primary parties affected by crime in face-to-face dialogue including victims and their families, offenders and their families. Restorative Justice Mediation aims to:

  • put key decisions in the hands of those affected by the incident
  • make the criminal justice process more healing and transformative
  • reduce the likelihood of future offenses

Each of the cases requires a trained facilitator to serve as a neutral party. This facilitator is present to guide and direct the conversation and to help develop the written agreement. Lawyers, Mediators, Educators and Counselors are all excellent candidates, but anyone who has an interest in conflict resolution can become a qualified facilitator by going through a 20-hour facilitator training program and passing a background check.

For more information, please contact Restorative Justice Mediation Program at (619) 280-1993 or visit

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